Apple Vision Pro Review

The Experience

The whole time I couldn't stop saying things like "This is so cool," and yeah, it totally was.

It felt actually magical just looking and tapping. There were so many times when I had to move my hands back down because I thought it just wouldn't see them properly.

Seeing panoramic photos and the 3D-ish videos was insane.

Seeing my hands in immersive mode was so weird.

It was so fast; I used my phone for a moment and there was absolutely no delay.

They played a clip of Avatar 2 that was neat, I guess.

They finished with this Apple Vision Pro experience thing, and throughout the whole video, I wanted to look around at things, only to realize that it's only in 180°.

Unfortunately, that was really all they let me do with the thing— not a lot of free will.

Issues I Have With It

It's $3500, which does not justify buying something like this. They could easily drop the price by not using glass or having the terrible front screen.

It's very uncomfortable. Maybe it's just the strap, but either way, it's not very comfortable having all the weight on your face. I only used it for about 30 minutes; imagine what watching a whole movie would be like.

You look like an idiot. You're the only one seeing whatever you're seeing, and that front display just looks terrible.


It's a very cool VR headset, but I don't see it having regular use for a while.


hi :)

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